Web Editor:
Michelle Rickard




Students in the Pathology PhD program choose their thesis advisor from the Pathology Graduate Program Faculty. These faculty-direct research programs are well suited for PhD research training. Note that the Pathology Graduate Faculty includes some faculty whose primary appointment is outside the department of Pathology (eg in medicine, surgery) but whose research fits so well into the experimental pathology that they have obtained appointments as Pathology Graduate faculty. Note also that some Pathology Faculty do not have Graduate Program appointments, usually because their specific research or clinical programs are not well suited for PhD research training.

Karin E. Bornfeldt, PhD Daniel Bowen-Pope, MD PhD Peter H. Byers, MD Alexander W. Clowes, MD
Bruce E. Clurman, MD Steven J. Collins, MD Christine Disteche, PhD Nelson Fausto, MD
Cecilia M. Giachelli, PhD Mark T. Groudine, MD PhD John M. Harlan, MD Robert F. Hevner, MD PhD
Marshall Horwitz, MD PhD Matthew Kaeberlein, PhD Raj P. Kapur, MD PhD Christopher J. Kemp, PhD
Nancy C. Kiviat, MD Michael Laflamme, MD PhD Andre Lieber, MD PhD Lawrence A. Loeb, MD PhD
George M. Martin, MD A. Dusty Miller, PhD Raymond J. Monnat, MD Thomas J. Montine, MD PhD
Charles E. Murry, MD PhD David Myerson, MD PhD A. Sampath Narayanan, PhD Paul E. Neiman, MD
Thomas H. Norwood, MD James Olson, MD PhD Junko Oshima, MD PhD Peggy Porter, MD
Bradley D. Preston, PhD Peter S. Rabinovitch, MD PhD Elaine W. Raines, MS Michael A. Reidy, PhD
Morayma Reyes, MD PhD Michael R. Rosenfeld, PhD Stephen M. Schwartz, MD PhD Gerald R. Smith, PhD
Kelly D. Smith, MD PhD Stephen J. Tapscott, MD PhD Lawrence D. True, MD Valeri Vasioukhin, PhD
Thomas N. Wight, PhD Norman S. Wolf, DVM Jing Zhang, MD PhD  
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